Jurjevanje in Bela krajina 2024 19.–23. June 2024 Jurjevanje in Bela krajina 2024 19.–23. June 2024
Bela krajina
Jurjevanje in Bela krajina 2024 19.–23. June 2024

The Oldest Folklore Festival in Slovenia

19.-23. june 2024

The second event within the JURKA 24-25 project

JURKA 24-25 Project, Črnomelj, October 12, 2024

On Saturday, October 12, 2024, the second event within the JURKA 24-25 project, co-funded by the European Union through the CERV program (Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values), was held. The project is based on collaboration between partners from Slovenia and Croatia, including RIC Bela krajina, the Municipality of Črnomelj, Karlovac City, and the Karlovac County Tourist Board.

The event, titled "Celebrating Diversity – Folklore is in Our DNA", took place in the square in front of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Črnomelj as part of the European Heritage Days 2024.

The program began with welcome speeches by Mr. Andrej Kavšek, Mayor of the Municipality of Črnomelj, and Mrs. Kristina Medarić, President of the FA Matija Gubec Association and Vice President of CIOFF International. Mr. Kavšek highlighted the importance of cultural diversity and its unifying effect on communities in Slovenia and Croatia. He expressed his joy over the successful cooperation between the partners and emphasized the importance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage through projects like JURKA 24-25.

Mrs. Kristina Medarić emphasized the richness of Croatia's intangible cultural heritage and the importance of passing it on to new and younger generations through lively exchanges of cultural practices and traditions between the two countries.

Following the opening remarks, the Matija Gubec folklore group from Karlovac showcased their traditional dances. Mrs. Medarić also presented the intangible cultural heritage of Karlovac County, including folk customs and performances on traditional instruments. Mr. Miro Kirinčić demonstrated the local craft of embroidery on linen clothing. Together with Mrs. Medarić, they also introduced traditional Croatian national costumes from Karlovac County. Visitors joined the folklorists in a dance workshop, further immersing themselves in Croatian folklore heritage. The event was moderated by Tadej Fink.

A tasting of typical Croatian cuisine and wine, presented by the Pečaver winery, followed in the Črnomelj wine cellar.

For participants, a guided tour of the old town center of Črnomelj and the Zakladnica (Treasure Chest) exhibition was organized. The event concluded with an analysis of survey results collected from attendees. Early findings indicate that the presentation of Croatian cultural heritage and the workshop significantly enhanced the direct experience of visitors. The survey results will be published in the final project report.

The second event within the JURKA 24-25 project was successfully carried out, further strengthening the ties and collaboration between the partners. The next event will be organized in April 2025 in Vinica.

Activities in the JURKA 24-25 project are co-funded by the European Union.

Project Partners: RIC Bela krajina, Municipality of Črnomelj, Karlovac City, Karlovac County Tourist Board